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Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Anglican-Use Mass in NYC

A pastoral provision issued in 1980 by the Vatican permitted the ordination of married men who were priests in the Episcopal church and allowed for a special adaptation of the Mass known as the Anglican-use liturgy, which incorporated Anglican traditions.

The commission that drafted the Anglican-use liturgy convened in Rome under the authority of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship. Finalized in Rome in November 1983, it is based on the Anglican Book of Common Prayer and -- for church history buffs -- incorporates elements of Roman Catholic prayer in use just prior to the Protestant Reformation in England.

There are six(?) Anglican-use parishes in the United States, and now an Anglican Use Confraternity group has formed to discuss the establishment of a regular celebration of the AU Mass in New York city. Gen X Revert has blogged this news already, but I figure it can't hurt to spread good news to those who appreciate and wish to preserve the best elements of Anglican liturgy:

Anglican Use Mass @ St. Vincent Ferrer, NYC

2:00 p.m. Sunday, June 15, 2003
St. Vincent Ferrer Church

869 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10021
(212) 744-2080).
Directions: The church is between East 65th and 66th Streets near the 68th Street subway line (Line 6 on the Lexington Avenue Local service).

Father Bradford of Boston will celebrate the Mass with Father Wilson of Brooklyn. Following the Mass, there will be a brief coffee session for everyone to meet and then discuss various issues such as 1) arranging an Anglican Use retreat on NYC area, 2) hosting the annual Anglican Use meeting in NYC during 2004, 3) ways to promote the establishment of an Anglican Use congregation in NYC, and other issues of interest.

God-willing and barring any conflicts, I hope to make it. You can find more information about the Anglican-Use Liturgy here:

From the new blog Against The Grain

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