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Saturday, June 07, 2003

Last weekend I had noted an article by Christopher Ferrara of The Remnant attacking Cardinal Ratzinger and Vatican II's assertion that the Church of Christ "subsists in the Catholic Church". Lacking sufficient knowledge of this area, I blegged1 the help of others to recommend some good books or articles on the topic. I'd like to personally recognize and thank Shawn McElhinney of Rerum Novarum (June 2 - "The Altered Eye Alters All", Parts I & II) and Christine from Christus Victor (June 5-6) for responding to my request.

Shawn notes that one difficulty with Integrist screeds is "how easy it must be for Mr. Ferrara to make such wide sweeping indictments which he knows his opponent would have to take some time and energy to unpack in order to refute properly." Christine also wonders "if it is worthwhile commenting on them at all, as he seems to question entirely the premise of ecumenism as set forth in Vatican II."

Obviously neither of you had to respond -- but you took the time (and had the patience) to do so. I also appreciated Shawn's "Prescription Against Traditionalism", an excerpt of which is employed in his refutation of Ferrara's objections to the word "subsists". I've learned a great deal from reading both of your blogs, and I'm sincerely thankful. God bless you both!

1. That's "begging via blogging", a new term I learned from The Corner. ;-)

From the new blog Against The Grain

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Against The Grain is the personal blog of Christopher Blosser - web designer and all around maintenance guy for the original Cardinal Ratzinger Fan Club (Now Pope Benedict XVI).

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