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Friday, November 21, 2003

A Moratorium on the Passion Debate?

I. Shawn McElhinney responds to Bill Cork's post attacking "rightwing Catholic defenders" of The Passion. Given the inflammatory nature of the issue, I can't say I'm suprised by the way in which public debate over Gibson's film has occasionally shifted from addressing the content of the film itself to questioning/impugning the characters of the participants (Gibson's critics and supporters).

Frankly, I'm growing weary of the back-and-forth, and Shawn's suggestion that we "let Gibson make his movie, watch it, then criticize it" has never sounded so good. Since the release of the film is scheduled for Lent (presumably a time of reflection for all Christians) both sides can surely pray that those who see it will be led to the kind of understanding that is found in the reviews of Dennis Prager and Michael Novak.

From the new blog Against The Grain

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