Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Discussions on Catholicism, Liberalism and the American Experiment - A Roundup
As I've mentioned before, if you notice a dip in postings on "Against The Grain", do check 'Religion & Liberty' blog, where I've been pretty busy in connection with the website 'The Church and the Liberal Tradition' and a discussion of various topics loosely centered around the 'Whig-Thomist / Augustinian-Thomist' debate.
This past week, Chris Burgwald (Veritas) picks up on the conversation begun at David Jones' La Nouvelle Theologie with the first in a series of posts elaborating on the reasons for disagreement with Michael Novak (together with Fr. Neuhaus, George Weigel, and Fr. Sirico). The first of Chris' posts is on the proposition: "The death of God for our times, for our culture, for us, is Liberalism", which I followed with:
Additional Posts in Recent Weeks
Last but not least, I wanted to convey a hearty welcome to "Democracy of the Dead", another collective who has been -- unbeknownst to us -- blogging for some time now on similar issues. I'll likely be doing some updates and new posts to Against The Grain in the future -- just didn't want y'all to be mystified by my absence or the infrequency of posts. Peace!
Against The Grain is the personal blog of Christopher Blosser - web designer
and all around maintenance guy for the original Cardinal Ratzinger Fan Club (Now Pope Benedict XVI).