Tuesday, December 15, 2009
'Against The Grain' has moved!
At long last, Against The Grain has relocated to a new blog address: christopherblosser.blogspot.com
The move was occasioned in part by Haloscan's announcement that they had been bought by JS-KIT and that they were giving all users two weeks to either pay for an "upgrade" [or] download their comments, subject as they were to impending deletion. Some are taking the news rather badly. As for myself, while I certainly don't fault a company for trying to survive (there's no such thing as a free lunch, and Haloscan couldn't survive indefinitely as a free host) I think JS-KIT was a tad overbearing with today's Personally, I don't need all the bells and whistles of JS-KIT and it's ability to "turn my static pages into a real-time stream of diggs, tweets, comments, and more. " A basic commenting system is enough for me, so I've taken this as an opportunity to graduate my 'classic' template to the New Blogger. Hopefully y'all -- what few readers I have -- will understand.
Against The Grain is the personal blog of Christopher Blosser - web designer
and all around maintenance guy for the original Cardinal Ratzinger Fan Club (Now Pope Benedict XVI).