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Catholics in the Public Square - Catholics in the 109th Congress

Senate Republicans Senate Democrats
House Republicans House Democrats

Catholic Governors

  • Frank H. Murkowski, Alaska
  • Arnold A. Schwarzenegger, California
  • Bill Owens, Colorado
  • Jeb Bush, Florida
  • Joseph E Kernan, Indiana
  • Kathleen Sebelius, Kansas
  • Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, Louisiana - CPS PROFILE
  • John E. Baldacci, Maine
  • Jennifer Granholm, Michigan
  • Mike Johanns, Nebraska
  • Bill Richardson, New Mexico
  • George Pataki, New York
  • John Hoeven, North Dakota
  • Don Carcieri, Rhode Island
  • Mike Rounds, South Dakota
  • [Gov.-Elect] Joe Manchin, West Virginia - CPS PROFILE

    Source: National Governor's Association